This test will determine whether you naturally take charge in group situations or prefer to follow a strong leader. It will explore aspects of decision-making, confidence, responsibility, and teamwork to assess your leadership tendencies.

How to Take Test

Here are some simple rules to get the most out of this test:


Each question is a statement. Сhoose the answer that suits you. The answer buttons are emojis, where is strongly disagree, is strongly agree. allows you to return to the previous question.


Take your time, remember, you want to understand your personality better, not just click through as quickly as possible.


Think about the answers, but try not to “overthink” them. It often happens that the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one.


If you can’t answer, it’s okay to ask your circle. Or just choose a option.


The most important rule: have fun!

I avoid conflict and prefer to let others handle difficult situations.

I prefer observing from the sidelines rather than actively participating in discussions.

I feel comfortable making tough decisions even when they are unpopular.

I am comfortable leading a group even when I don’t have all the answers.

In a group project, I usually take charge and delegate tasks.

I naturally organize and guide people toward a common goal.

I work best when I have a clear leader to follow rather than leading myself.

I feel uncomfortable being the center of attention or leading a group.

If I notice a problem, I take action rather than waiting for instructions.

I find it easier to follow clear instructions than to give them.

I naturally step up to take responsibility when no one else does.

I enjoy persuading others and getting them to see my point of view.

I believe a team functions best when everyone has an equal voice rather than a single leader.

People often look to me for advice or direction.

When faced with uncertainty, I tend to wait and see what others do before acting.

I am confident in my ability to inspire and motivate others.

I am willing to take risks and accept responsibility for the outcome.

I often doubt my decisions and look to others for guidance.

I prefer when someone else makes the final decision in a team setting.

I enjoy taking on leadership roles, but I can also be a good team player.

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